Interested and qualified FBINA grads are encouraged to compete.
This position requires a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field as well as being an NA Graduate or previous experience as an FBI NA Counselor. All applicants must also be active members in the FBI National Academy Associates. Nomination must be made through the applicant’s Section Representative
Candidates for this position are typically experienced counselors of the YLP; however, is not a requirement. This position is a five year commitment beginning with Session #19 which is scheduled from June 22 to June 30, 2017. The first year of this assignment will consist of on-the-job training with the incumbent Program Coordinator. The next four years will be as Program Coordinator. In addition, the last year of the assignment will be served as a trainer for the newly selected Program Coordinator. The full term shall be at the pleasure of the Board.
During the Youth Leadership Program, the program coordinator is required to be on duty from 0500 hours to 2130 hours. However, the staff also remain on duty and hold nightly debriefing meetings and secure the dormitory floor.
The program coordinator’s responsibilites include but are not limited to the following:
- Review the annual curriculum for the program in conjunction with the YLP Chairman
- Review and update the application package used to select attendees
- Assist with the selection, overall coordination and assign program instructors/counselors
- Manage all program reading assignments
- Select instructors and coordinate with the FBI Academy staff through the FBINAA Executive Office
- Travel to attend meetings throughout the year as required. This includes attending the annual presidents meeting in Quantico, VA. The cost for this travel will be borne by the FBINAA Inc.
- Oversee and procure funding and other resources (memorabilia, vehicles, communication)
- Assist the executive director with program scheduling
- Review and approve all applications
- Address any questionable medical issues with the medical advisor
- Arrange UMSC Yellow Brick Road or FBI Course
- Procure yellow bricks
- Arrange attendees’ airport gate clearances for arrival/departure
- Arrange for vehicle parking at the airport(s)
- Procure bus for Washington, DC trip
- Coordinate the Washington, DC HQ trip
- Make arrangements for DC dinner
- Author annual articles for “The Associate”
- Procure graduation guest lecturer
- Procure YLP Graduate Association officer to address graduating class
- Procure appropriate cleric for graduation
- Implement daily schedule of events
- Oversee the daily operation of the program
- Coordinate arrival and departure logistics
- Assign physical training
- Assign photo duties
- Assign other logistical (water/cooler/snacks) duties
- Instruct one academic block
- Administer and proctor the final exam
- Oversee program critiques
- Manage and dispense approved funds as requested by instructors/counselors
- Set code of conduct and review all matters of discipline
- Assist at graduation by calling the role of graduates
The overall coordination of the Youth Leadership Program (YLP) lies with the program coordinator. The program coordinator will be selected by the YLP Committee and subsequently submitted for approval by the executive board.
Interested applicants must submit a letter of interest which includes a CV (Resume) and any letters of support to their chapter president (President Todd Deutsch) no later than February 15, 2017. Chapter presidents shall forward ALL reviewed applications to their Section Representative by February 29, 2017.
Section 1 – Tim Braniff –