Bill Stanford

Bill Stanford Scholarship

Application Deadline has been extended to April 29, 2025

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates offers an educational scholarship program for a graduating high school senior who will be attending a higher education institution. The scholarship is a living memorial named in honor of Bill Stanford, a highly revered former chapter member and chapter president. Awarding the scholarship is our way of recognizing Bill’s commitment to students and to the community at large he so faithfully served.

The award recipient may attend an accredited school of higher education of their choice within the United States and may select any field of study. The one-thousand dollar scholarship will be awarded to one student each year.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Child, step-child, or grandchild of a dues paying member of the Rocky Mountain Chapter who was a graduate of the National Academy (attendee or counselor);
  • Or a child, step-child, or grandchild of a FBI National Academy graduate that was a member of the Rocky Mountain Chapter who was killed, died or disabled while employed in law enforcement.
  • Holds a cumulative high school 3.0 or higher grade point average.
Tax-free award

The chapter provides qualified scholarships as defined in IRS publication 520 which may be used by the student for the tuition and fees paid to enroll and attend an accredited educational institution. Funds are specifically for college tuition, course books and class fees. The scholarship is not for room and board, transportation or any other item that would make the funds taxable under IRS guidelines.

The scholarship is awarded before the fall semester begins each year and is intended to be used before the end of the year in which it’s made.

Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year are Available Now

Visit the Application Page Below:


2025 scholarship application[8197]